All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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3 books in series: Bending the Landscape

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Bending the Landscape: Fantasy
by Nicola Griffith (editor)

Series: Bending the Landscape
Book 1 of 3
In the groundbreaking anthology, queer writers write fantasy for the first time, and genre writers explore queer characters. But don't expect the usual fantasy backdrops-these stories will give you a frisson, a thrill, as they fizz off the page. They are extraordinary characters living outside the bounds of reality. But you will recognize them... It's about being gay, being straight, falling in love, sorrowful partings, death, and fantastic circumstances. Bending the Landscape stretches the standard fantasy genre.
Queer fantasy anthology
gay, lesbian 1997 Adult

Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction
by Nicola Griffith (editor)

Series: Bending the Landscape
Book 2 of 3
Edited by world-renowned lesbian fantasy author Nicola Griffith and fantasy publisher Stephen Pagel, this groundbreaking anthology of all-original science fiction stories brings together some of mainstream's and science fiction's most notable writers -- gay and straight -- creating worlds where time and place and sexuality are alternative to the empirical environment. Keith Hartman's "Sex, Guns and Baptists" gives a disturbing view of how the world could become if the Christian fundamentalists continue gaining political ground; Ralph Sperry's delightful aliens in "On Vacation" are refreshingly similar to us: shy workaholics, exasperated lovers, good with machines; Ellen Klages takes a '90s dyke back forty years to 1950s San Francisco where she discovers her modern sensibilities are utterly alien to the lesbians of the time. These stories explore physical, emotional, and moral landscapes vastly different from the familiar -- where nothing is as it seems.This group of talented newcomers and award-winning genre veterans includes Jim Grimsley, Mark W. Tiedemann, Charles Sheffield, Carrie Richerson, Keith Hartman, Nancy Kress, Richard Bamburg, L. Timmel Duchamp, Charles Sheffield, Don Bassingthwaite, and many others.
gay scifi anthology
gay, lesbian, 1998 Adult

Bending the Landscape: Horror
by Nicola Griffith (editor)

Series: Bending the Landscape
Book 3 of 3
Bending the Landscape: Horror brings together a tantalizing slew of truly horrifying tales guaranteed to provoke, entertain, and inspire fear in even the most seasoned horror aficionado. World-renowned fantasy author Nicola Griffith and fantasy publisher Stephen Pagel have compiled an exciting array of never-before-published stories, both from talented newcomers and award-winning genre veterans. These stories, written by writers both gay and straight, incite fear and spur thought, transporting the reader into realms of shock and dread.
Gay and lesbian writers and characters of horror fiction
gay, lesbian, 2001 Adult

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